Municipality of Soave


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  • Soave is a small town of 7100 inhabitants, located in the east of Verona, halfway between Verona and Vicenza, characterised by its history and above all famous worldwide for its typical local product: the white wine Soave. Soave hosts cultural and food and wine events all year round. Not to be missed in May is the evocative Medieval Festival of Soave white wine, its typical product, and in September the traditional Grape Festival with the awarding of prizes for the best grapes. Every third Sunday of the month the historic centre hosts an antiques market.
    Soave, situated at the foot of the Lessini Mountains, is a pleasant medieval town, dominated by the Castle and entirely surrounded by Ghibelline crenellated walls, divided between 24 towers, lapped by the Tramigna river. The first human settlements date back to the Stone Age. In Roman times there was an important “pagus” along the Via Postumia. According to reliable sources, however, the historic centre was founded in the Longobard era, in 500, by a tribe of Swabians from whom the name “Suaves” is said to derive, “Suevi” which then became “Soavi” and finally Soave.

Involved in this project

Gaetano Tebaldi

Mayor of the Municipality of Soave

Dr. Guadin Angelo

Head of Administrative Area