Youth unemployment

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  • #2423
    YOAC project

    High Youth Unemployment Rates: Lithuania has faced relatively high youth unemployment rates compared to the overall unemployment rate in the country. Young people often struggle to find stable and well-paying jobs.


    The unemployability of young people is a current topic and very important for every country, because as they say in our country, “the world rests on the young”. In Croatia, the problem with unemployability is big, and it is also present among the younger generations. I think that today’s times are a little different and that young people choose a little too much, and that they pretend to know too much and are not ready to do anything to reach some kind of personal goals. Some don’t even have them. I think that there is always a job, just that a person has to work hard enough to find it and sometimes accept a job that he did not plan to develop certain skills such as communication in the workplace, teamwork, kindness, understanding, but also to understand how it works adult world. The employment process is also a maturing process because people who enter the labor market for the first time face various novelties and sometimes difficulties. I believe that young people should already start preparing at school for developing skills and competencies that will help them to be competent, that will enable them to recognize themselves in one of the professions and that will encourage them to enter the labor market. A big role is played by teachers, parents and the society in which the young person lives. Also, I would recommend volunteering to every young person, because by volunteering in certain associations, organizations and companies, they can experience the trade, see first-hand if the job works and decide if it is for them or not. It is certainly a great experience.

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