Youth On A Caravan project to encourage youth’s political participation in the EU
Youth On A Caravan (YOAC) – a journey through political participation, is an EU funded Erasmus KA3 project in cooperation among the coordinator Association Sulle Orme (Italy) and 5 other organisations Instituto IKIGAI (Spain), Save the Children Romania, Municipality of Soave (Italy), Mano Europa (Lithuania) and BREZA Youth Association (Croatia).
This project aims at encouraging young people to become active citizens, agents of solidarity and overall a positive change for communities across Europe. It aims at engaging and empowering the disadvantaged youth with fewer opportunities to pursue an inclusive society where there is space and participation for all.
The idea originates from the acknowledgement that political participation stems from strong emotions that come from real experiences. The project objective is to contribute to building a society in which young people and adults share common values, civic engagement and participation in the democratic life. This will be achieved through the Social Summer School, seven days of common life and school on social and political issues, followed by a caravan-trip to places relevant to the topics addressed, to meet with public authorities.
The 28th and 29th of April 2022, a TPM was held in Fittà, Italy, by the project coordinator Association Sulle Orme to plan the forthcoming implementation of the project.
Save The Children Romania began the meeting by giving an overview of the upcoming tasks and outlining the next steps on the collection of good practices within youth political engagement.
The leading parties from the side of Association Sulle Orme discussed the project management and coordination as well as the following responsibilities in the program period Mobility Preparation and Implementation, which includes the development of local seminars, the organisation of the social summer school and the caravan-trip.
Instituto IKIGAI, the lead beneficiary of the Dissemination part of the project, Communication and Publicity, gave an overview of the tasks they are carrying out and discussed the next steps.
The partners from Lithuanian organisation – Mano Europa, responsible for the Quality Monitoring and Evaluation of the project, gave an overview of their work and outlined the next steps.
The last presentation of the meeting was led by BREZA Youth Association where we discussed the expectations for their task of dialogue building with policy-makers.
All the participants in the project are very excited for the next events in the implementation of the project and we recommend you to stay tuned for the first news regarding the project´s mobility.